Saturday, March 27, 2010

Last night we spent the night at the Howard Johnson's in Portland. Barely slept a wink with the drunken revelers outside our window. I actually had to put on my NYC voice and tell some people to please be quiet please. Never takes much to make me appreciate our love shack at the end of the earth.

But, it's worth it because we're spending the weekend with Eve. Who knows, maybe we'll find some really "valuable" junk.

Speaking of valuable, Jessie Sweet got into Colby with a monster scholarship. She'll hear from the rest of her "reach" schools on Thursday--though of course there's nothing she can't reach for, seeing as how she's hitched her wagon to a star.

Before long I'll be posting Tales from the Empty Nest. One thing's for sure: I won't be complaining about the peace and quiet.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Daddy. You're far too sweet. I owe it all to you and mum. :) And the generous people who give Colby money, of course...
