Saturday, April 3, 2010

The birds are back, but still no luck in tracking down the pileated woodpecker. The weather today was a bit too wonderful to describe, though the morning unfolded in a deep fog. That's the thing with Downeast Maine, you've got to earn the nice day as the sun burns through the huff and puff of the ocean. Meant to go for a long walk, but got hung up in the woods as I prepped for the big wood haul. I got the four-wheeler stuck in the mud, tipped a load of wood off the box on the rack, then had to deal with a runaway splitter as it careened down the ramp. A comedy of errors, but of course I wasn't laughing. Thankfully, there is always tomorrow.

Actually, it's more than that. When things don't go your way, you get to test your problem-solving skills; when life is a breeze you get to thank the heavens. But hey, graveyard posts notwithstanding: we're alive! So everyday is a good day.

P.S. Thank you Camille and Kevin for your comments. We used to watch Six Foot Under, but didn't see the episode Camille referenced--though I think I would completely relate.

1 comment:

  1. I was away from my computer all day yesterday so I'm posting a day late (but not a dollar short)

