Happy, happy day. Cara came with me to Caratunk and we hiked toward Pleasant Pond to collect the fossil I found a couple of moons ago. Ernie had warned me about the possibility of the stream rising and carrying it away, but I thought I'd placed it far enough up the bank to have no trouble. Of course, the stream was in fact up a few feet and the fossil was completely submerged. I had a moment of despair, fearing it was lost to the gods, but when I spotted it: pure jubilation.
Weekends just don't come any better than this. We had dinner with Jake in Bangor on Friday night (after which he was off to a bonfire), then lunch with Jessie at Colby on Saturday (following the fossil mission)--both so content and courteous and thoughtful makes me want to shed the tears of joy.
But this is no time for the waterworks; I'll just bask in the moment. Tomorrow I'll post some more photos. For now (look at the time: it's 9:47 P.M. !!!), it's lights out.
I'm ashamed to say I haven't checked your blog in a while, Mike. Looks like you're continuing to lead your idyllic life, which is a wonderful thing. My question is about the fossil. Fossil of what? I can't see it! Looks like a rock to me!