I walk alone--or, more precisely, I snowshoe by myself in the bitter cold. Loudly I invited all comers in my packed house to enjoy nature's goodness, but the response--deafening silence--said it all, by of course saying nothing at all. I'm laboring over this post because my strength was sapped trying to load the above photo of the heath. You see, all these Internet hogs, who are
hard wired to their laptops, are gumming up the Wifi works here at Chez Rottersman/Cirillo. Please, young people, get outside for some exercise and fresh air!
But. But, but, but--Jake, Jessie and Cara all joined me this morning for a jump rope bonanza in the woodshed/sugar shack/Muhammed Ali Fitness Facitlity.
News flash: Cara got the most beautiful haircut. She's lookin' hot!!!!!! I've been begging her to get a short do for 22 years. It was worth the wait--and once my battery (well, not my battery, but the camera battery) is charged I'll take a head shot.
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