What's that slung across my shoulder? Is it a new exercise implement to go along with the medicine ball and weighted vest? Well, it does weigh a robust 40 lbs., but we'll whittle that down in no time. It's locally grown organic rolled oats. I was so excited that I made some vegan oatcakes--oats, brown sugar, pureed mandarin oranges, apples, raisins and flaxseed, baked at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Delicious!
On top of that tasty treat, I brewed up my first (very small:12 ounces) batch of maple syrup today on the woodstove. I would have gotten a bit more but the sap was frozen in its containers and didn't melt down enough to pour into the pot. Never had to deal with that last year; not to mention the fact of tromping through a couple feet of snow to get the sap in the first place. The best producer is one of the large maples behind my mother's house, so I'm still thinking it will be a good season once the sun starts to go about its springtime business.
I had mentioned my desire to go on an old-fashioned walk, which Jake and I attempted, but turned out to be a 4 mile trudge through quicksand (wet snow) rather than a stroll through the woods. Well, the fresh air was mighty nice, and it made puttering around the kitchen and mooning over my maple syrup that much more of a delight.
Look at my handsome Dad! Next time I'm home I expect a fresh batch of these oatcakes!