Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today, as I hauled wood in my pack-basket, I saw these two little flowers growing wild in the woods. Immediately I thought: hey, look, it's like Mike and Cara, side-by-side, till death do us part. I almost missed out on this moment of the spirit, finding it hard to motivate myself to go outside because of the endless fog. Once again it shows how we have to make the most of each day, regardless of what Mother Nature throws our way. And truly, once you're in the thick of it, out in the woods, fog is beautiful.
Had a nice visit today with Matt M. He has this idea of sort of living off the land and trading commodities on his i-phone. It's such an interesting idea (an actual living dichotomy if I remember my philosophy correctly) that I think he should do it for a year and write a book. He's already commenced to building a cabin in the woods, and he's been trading all along, so all that's left is the commitment. Just picture it, he'd be in the middle of nowhere, no electricity, no running water, yet wheeling and dealing via the internet.
New flash: I just got a text from Jake (he's in Portland, OR) and he did a muscle-up at the local playground. I'm proud... and jealous! I always suspected he'd do one before I would, but maybe not so soon. It's funny because I was just telling Jake how I had a dream the other night that we were at a playground and I was doing multiple muscle-ups and saying to him, "they're not even that hard." Supposedly in dreams roles are often reversed; in this case it's true.

1 comment:

  1. I told you I never leave comments and then you go and write something so sweet that you leave me no choice. You are a wonderful husband and I love you.
