Moments ago I had a brainstorm. We should have a National Lottery, but with a catch. You see, if your number comes up your prize would not be money, but a meeting with the president. It seems to me that, regardless of party, our presidents only meet with the elite. Think about it, the Bushes had never even gone grocery shopping; Clinton "rented out" bedrooms at the White House for monster campaign contributions; Obama acknowledges being in a "bubble." Elizabeth Warren, the consumer protection crusader, said that Obama made time for bankers, but never for her. Yet his whole deal is supposedly to be an advocate for the common man. That's what they all say--on the campaign trail. But once elected, forget it. So I say let's require the president to meet once a week with half a dozen lottery winners. Let him (or her, please!) hear how things are going for real people.
I think that the revenues received from the lotteries would drop 98%.School revenues derived from the lottery would decrease. School budgets would rise. Taxpayers would not vote for them and go on austerity budgets. Teachers would be let go. Ergo, parents would be called upon to help these teachers. Parents would have their savings and Social Security diminish. No thanks I don't drink Starbucks or Peets. Love ya, Pop