The museum at Colby blows my mind, but I guess that's not enough for them, because, as you can see in the photo above, it's undergoing a major expansion. I think it will be finished just about in time for the Sweet's graduation, so if you intend to attend that wondrous event don't forget to take in a little culture. Not to rush things, though, seeing as how Jessie is only at the halfway point and really loving the college experience.
I guess winter has finally arrived... in March. Kayaking and hiking will just have to wait.
Yesterday I was complaining about how my body was in a state of rack and ruin, then this morning I realized that I had worked out 7 days in a row. Not smart.
Bang for the buck exercise-wise, I'm thinking nothing beats the climbing rope. It's just you and gravity--and, in the end, you know, gravity always wins.
I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, but I'd like a list of his advertisers so I can go on my own private boycott. Where I work you get a detention for calling people names; where he works you get paid millions. And we wonder why kids often think adults are full of baloney.
Book recommendation:
The Art of Fielding. The great American novel is still kicking, after all.
Life, for me, is overflowing with blessings--but I so wish I lived closer to my peeps. And to think that once upon a time I couldn't wait for Max to go away to college so I could get him and his big stinking feet out of our cramped bedroom!!!