I'm not jumping around for nothing out there. I've just completed a burpee in honor of Paulina Salcedo-Watson who, at 11:27 this morning, completed the Burpee Challenge. That's over 5,000 burpees in 100 days. Way to go Paulina! I believe I was at the tail-end of my own burpee challenge when Paulina and family came up to visit last summer, and somehow she was inspired by my quest. But she never told me she was embarking on the challenge herself, said she was afraid she would "wimp out." So when she notified me today of her achievement I was both thrilled and touched to know that I have a new comrade-in-arms. I actually got to do a few more burpees today than I intended, because when I asked Greg B., the newest member of the Birch Wisdom Workout Club to take my picture, he had a little technical difficulty with the camera. I had to keep the burpees going till that flash popped. "Thanks a lot," I sarcastically said to him. "That's what friends are for," he told me.
Okay. I'll go look up what a "burpee challenge" is.