This is the 500th post here at Wisdom in the Birches. Wow! There ought to be door prizes, like this original Austin Mini for instance. We happened past it in St. Andrews and Jake and Cara thought it would be the perfect addition to Mike R's Used Cars. It is cute, I'll give it that, kind of like that baby llama that some of you failed to notice on April 1. Funny that, and I'll tell you why. When we walked up to the pen housing the llamas we heard the bleating of what sounded like a goat. But then Cara said, "no, it's a sheep." So we went back and forth, it's a sheep; no it's a goat, etc., etc. Until Cara, redeeming herself and shaming us, says, "it's a baby llama!" Duh. A baby llama with the mama and papa llamas. Go figure...
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