Thursday, June 30, 2011

Here I am in the Guantanamo Garden, harvesting our first batch of greens. Salad days are here for the foreseeable future, but the tomato plants are begging for some sunshine. Somehow the cherry trees are thriving, even though last year they were mauled by deer (hence the fence). Pretty soon we'll be picking wild berries, which grow all over our little slice of heaven.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lucky Jake fortified himself with this fresh papaya-mango-peach juice because today's Crossfit workout was the infamous "Filthy Fifty." To wit:
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings
Walking lunge - 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

In case you're wondering--and you're probably not--knees to elbows are where you hang from a pull-up bar and swing your knees up to touch your elbows. Sound easy? Well, it's not, and I could never actually get the skin-to-skin contact that signals it's time for your next rep. This is a "core" exercise, great for developing those six-pack abs, but you'll never see it on late-night TV because A) it's too darn hard; B) there's no money in it.

Still, no need to give up hope. You too can develop the next ThighMaster. I mean, suckering suckers out of $19.95--how hard can it be?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We just enjoyed a most beneficial libation: kale, swiss chard, spinach, celery, tomato and carrot juice. Doesn't even have to make us live forever, because, believe it or not, it's delicious. The movie Fat, Sick and Almost Dead, recommended by my sister Alice (who's on the 7th day of her juice fast), inspired us to buy a juicer. We're not planning on a fast, but to have a daily juice for a nutrition infusion. More and more I'm convinced that the best life is green.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I was able to identify this beautiful but deadly wildflower (Sheep Laurel, also known as Lambkill) on the trail thanks to the wildflower book given to us "with flowering love" by the Salcedo-Watson's--our BFF's! So Salcedo-Watson people, when are you coming to Maine? It's summertime, you know.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Thirty miles of mud, bugs and mountains, but look at that smile. We had some fun, I tell you. After we set up camp Jessie asked me if we could go to sleep yet--it was 5:00 P.M. I had to savor that moment, because I don't believe I've ever seen her so anxious to go to bed. Fresh air and exercise, it's a tonic and a sleeping pill.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Leaving for a weekend backpacking trip with Jessie in about an hour. That's my up-to-the-minute report. Pretty sure we're going to have loads of fun, even if it does include hiking in the rain. Otherwise, all is quiet around here; quiet and peaceful. And peace be with you...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Today I was happy as a pig in the proverbial. Did some yardwork, ran the dirt road, puttered in the garden, then lay on a blanket on the lawn with the Sweet, reading a delightful little book by a Japanese farmer. Now it's off to the woodshed to pump some iron with the world's finest son. Life is so, so sweet.
In other news: somebody offered to buy my maple syrup today. Of course, being the fine businessman that I am I put a price tag on it of zero. At least I know I have a future. Ha!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Double click on the above photo and you'll see two turtles enjoying a most beautiful sunny day.

Jake indulges yours truly in a Father's Day bike ride.

Check out the eagle's nest--empty for the moment. Kind of like my brain...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A fleet of antique automobiles passed through Machias on their way to Canada. Quite a sight seeing them all lined up outside the motel when you're expecting to see run-of-the-mill modern day cars. Tomorrow is the last day of school. Heck yes I'm happy, but I've been having so much fun with the kids the last couple of days. Everybody (including me) is just looking for a laugh, and I can live with that because, you know, I am pretty funny--even my late grandmother-in-law Esther said so, and she didn't laugh for just anybody.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Everybody's favorite couple, Eve and Ron. Happy birthday Ron!

That girl stands out in a crowd!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Never have I felt so proud--even though Eve has turned herself into a beautiful, poised high school graduate with no help from me. Well, one thing I have learned is not to question nature. Things happen for their own reason in their own time. Now is Evie's time. She has blossomed in Bridgton in ways I do not have the talent to describe. You bring tears to my eyes, Eve. I am, like I said, so, so proud.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Heading off to Bridgton for Eve's graduation--so you can expect some cap-and-gown photos in the very near future. In the meantime, happy weekend!

Alice, it will be my pleasure.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chaperoned a trip to see the petroglyphs (picture art by Passamaquoddy Indians that is as much as 3,000 years old) in Machiasport. I've been there a couple of times, but it always gives me a thrill. Last time we saw a couple that depicted moose, but for some reason today I could not locate them, even though I searched inch by inch. What do you think the carving above represents?

Monday, June 6, 2011

This tickled me because it's on the ATV trail, so it's sort of out of context; plus it's just a little bit witty; and, if that's not enough, it's the perfect way to welcome my mother-in-law Judy "Easy" Cirillo back to town for the summer. Also returning this week are those traveling rascals Jake and Jessie, who we miss with a pang. We'll all be converging in Bridgton this weekend for Eve's graduation. Talk about a happy day!!!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Our raised bed garden begins to take shape. You can't fail to notice the Guantanamo Bay fence, which wouldn't normally be our choice, but it's either that or we'll be feeding the deer. I think I've already treated them to enough when I planted the fruit trees. At any rate, we'll be growing pole beans and snap peas and tomatoes up the chicken wire, so before long it will be wall to wall green. Cara and I had a splendid time with our first round of planting--not to mention the good fun we had in the manure pile--and now we can look forward to sharing a life-long hobby that can only deepen our love.