Thursday, July 29, 2010
I'm heading back to the AT at 5:30 AM, so no posts until Tuesday. Until then, stay well (and Pop, I'll be thinking about you--with love).
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Now, onto important matters. Apparently there was a Birch Wisdom slamdown in Bridgton, when Max and Richard got together to disrespect my boring, misinformed blog. But I try, right? I try.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Last night the '92 Volvo rolled into town and out stepped my long-haired son. We went for a walk along the river and as Jake's hair blew in the breeze I thought to myself how I never could have imagined that I'd be a parent who wanted to tell his child to get a haircut. Then, as if on cue, Jake said, "My hair's starting to bother me; I'm going to get a haircut tomorrow."
Good thing, since he wasn't exactly looking like an accountant.
Of course, back in my 70's hey-day my hair was quite long. My friend Deirdre (no idea whatever happened to her) said I had a "Farrah flip." Not a compliment. My friend Erik Sanko (who my brother recently improbably ran into in Hanover, NH) told me: "You'd make the perfect rock star. Too bad you have absolutely no talent." Also not a compliment.
Well, they should see me now, sitting on my perch at Birch Wisdom. Talk about success!!!!
Monday, July 19, 2010
I had this idea of hiking the 10-mile loop at the Bold Coast 10 days in a row this summer, but once Ernie and I put together our AT itinerary I scuttled that plan. However, I probably will end up hiking the Bold Coast at least 10 times in '10 (possibly already have). Today's hike went by in a flash because I so enjoyed the conversation with Matt (pictured above). He used to live in Machias, now resides in South Carolina, and is soon to return to school in Idaho. Yet he can't quite get Maine out of his system and is hoping to make a home here someday. He's thinking of building his own place with a big garden, chickens, the whole self-sufficient shebang. As I told him today as we sat on the flat rocks for lunch, I wish I was thinking that way at his age. Pretty much a happiness guarantee in my book.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Looks can be deceiving. You see LilipaLOSER (now why would her parents name her that?) checking out her Skip-Bo cards, feigning kindness and innocence? You see how you might get sucked in by her cute looks and winsome demeanor? Don't! Don't be fooled again. It's the small package that can be most lethal. I mean, I tried to be nice; and Lili pretended to be nice; but in the end I was the one who was "fat, old and stupid"--though not necessarily in that order. Anyway, while all this psychological warfare was going on, it was Emily "Dark Horse" Salcedo-Watson who won every game we played. I couldn't have won if Skip-Bo cards were raining from the sky.
Nevertheless, loser though I may be, I'm the real winner for having Jaime, Lorena and their "young ladies" (as my mother calls them) for friends.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Easy was shakin' and bakin' and compostin'. Sounds strange, I know, but according to my mother there's no such thing as mistakes in swing, just new moves. And, as you can see, Chilly P. has quite the devilish look in her eye. She looked so good made me want to have another baby!
Well, that train was outta here quick as it took the soul-man in the pink shorts to slide across the floor.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
This man is NOT a follower. What does that mean? Let me give it to you in a nutshell. He is NOT to be trusted; he is NOT loyal; and he's probably NOT a very good dancer. On the other hand, he did introduce me to Walt M. from Ohio--who will hopefully soon be a full-time resident of Roque Bluffs (where the above photo was taken). I've really enjoyed getting to know Walter, and I appreciate the very nice comment he put on my blog. You see, Walt IS a follower. Indeed, he IS trustworthy; he IS loyal; and once on the dance floor he no doubt makes Fred Astaire look like a duffer.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
This, I submit, in humble spirit: the path to a happy life: love, nature and a good night's sleep. Love and nature, intertwined, are perhaps impervious to influence. It is more important, as the mop-headed lads used to sing, to "let it be," rather than to try to make it happen; or, "let the game come to you," as the great bald-headed one used to say. A good night's sleep, on the other hand, is essentially based on our daytime behavior. Love and fresh air help, for sure, but so too does our moral compass. To quote some actual ancient wisdom: "my actions are the ground on which I stand."
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
This is when I was worse looking, before I got better looking, seeing as how this is only day one of our hike, fording our first stream, and, if you've been following here at Birch Wisdom, I get better looking every day, which has been confirmed by Cara, Jessie, Pop Pop, Mitch, my mother, my personal physician and my plumber, and, on top of that, if we don't digress too far from the fact that my last picture was taken on the fifth day (where obviously I was four whole days better looking than in this shot), you will now realize that not only am I criminally good-looking, but I am the absolute master of the run-on sentence. Whew, it's not as easy as it looks...
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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