Whenever people visit us at the lake they ask about the Stone Cottage. Though it's currently in a state of abandonment, it was actually the retreat of the silent movie star Mary Pickford. She took up with a local woodsman who's a distant uncle to Kurt Russell--another movie star with a Maine connection. He was (is?) the longtime companion to Goldie Hawn, who visited Bog Lake in the late 70's and stayed in the cottage. This is all hush hush--of course--so don't breathe a word of it. But one thing remains: the rich and famous just be digging on the 04654.

Eagle taking a break as I paddled around the lake with Jessie's friend Terranova from page school (by way of Alaska). T-Nova got quite the sunburn--
even though I told her to put on the sunscreen--so she's now at Rite Aid with Cara hunting up some Aloe Vera. Of course, Cara's always looking for an excuse to go "shopping" in Machias, so it's all good. Hopefully they won't bump into too many bothersome summer celebs.
Could you see if the stone cottage is available the weekend of July 24?