Not to get political, but this plaque, on a big rock in the wilderness, brought to mind all that is wrong with our current system. It made me think about how my NYC high school couldn't compete with its suburban counterparts as far as facilities go, yet we had an indoor pool thanks to the WPA. Obviously this tribute to the CCC points out another lasting benefit of the New Deal, as the Appalacian Trail is a natural jewel enjoyed by thousands every year. But what will we have to show for the governmental response to the latest economic crisis? Junk cars (think Cash for Clunkers), used appliances and bloated bankers. Well, let me tell you how I really feel: we should have let Goldman Sachs and their ilk twist and die and funneled all of the "stimulus" money into the environment and alternative energy. That's called a legacy; but when the economy is an end in itself, that's short-sighted stupidity. Sorry about the rant and the rave...
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