Sorry about the long delay in posts. We at Birch Wisdom have just returned from our summer tour of
Bridgton and Boston. Kevin and Jen have just purchased a new pad in the Mission Hill section of Boston. Although they're in the city, they have a lush garden resplendent with veggies and flowers. The place they bought is a former commune/squat brought to life with scavenged materials and purchased from the city for a dollar. Alas, Kevin and Jen paid a bit more than that for their new abode as yet one more hippie took the money and ran.

The day we visited Kevin and Jen's awesome new place also happened to be the birthday of the big galoot pictured above. The days when I get to see Max and Alice are the best days of my life. Let me also mention that Chris (standing behind Alice) had his birthday on the 12
th, and we won the sweepstakes when we took him into the family.

Evie is now working at
Hannaford. Yes, working. So, of course, we are very proud. And look at her: she even manages to make the supermarket polo look

Our time in Bridgton was pure enjoyment. Richard is pictured with the Omaha Steak platter provided courtesy of the people at Birch Wisdom. Debbie is the best hostess in the world, but I do need to blame her for the couple extra pounds that were recently added to my formerly sexy body.
Evie, you look great in orange!