The pumpkin convoy rolls into Marshfield. Oh, did we have fun down on the dike. Picked up these Halloween specials along with a buttercrunch squash and a 50 lb. bag of potatoes--straight from Aroostook County. My mother came over for Cara's fabulous bean soup and told us she just finished reading a book called Goat Song that she borrowed from the library. It describes the meditative benefits of keeping goats and making your own cheese. She seems to think this would be the perfect endeavor for us. But I'd say the most I can expect from myself at the moment is to ramp up the maple syrup production come Spring. But wait: we need to deal with Winter first. And don't forget: there will be mucho snow this year.
I absolutely love the pumpkins! It makes me miss being home with the two best people in the world! Although, Amila would yell at me if she heard me say that. Homesick for me is a whole different story for her! Anyway, just want you to know that I love you and miss you!
ReplyDeleteMike, I did Edith proud last weekend. I attend weekly contra dances at the Chinatown Y and in the middle and at the end of every dance there's a couples waltz and then refreshments. Well, last weekend during the intermission I danced the waltz and was ready to settle my sweaty self down with some free vegan refreshments when what do I hear but swing music coming from the band! Immediately I get a tap on the shoulder and some suave Russian man is asking me to dance. I tell him I've never done swing dancing before (as I had forgotten that the 2 day course with your mother actually makes me a certified pro) and he says no matter, lets go. He shows me the basic footwork and then it clicks "oooh yes, I know this!" and we were off! WHAT A BLAST, and everyone was impressed (I suppose they were impressed because I lied and said I'd never done it before, not because I was actually good) and I--for a brief, shining, glorious moment--was truly the belle of the ball.
ReplyDeleteThe end, thank your mother, and stop threatening to end the blog.