Sunday, October 24, 2010

The whirling waters of the Bay of Fundy. Took the 8th grade boys on a hike and had a most awesome day. At one point the kids were talking about how great it was to be out in the wilderness and not in the classroom; I joked that I was getting paid to be out on a nature jaunt. Truth to tell, if I could do it on a daily basis I'd be pretty sure I'd died and gone to heaven. Ernie just loaned me the book Last Child in the Woods, so it felt pretty good to be helping to break the most unfortunate trend of kids spending all of their time indoors in front of a screen. And I don't think there's any doubt that the day added to the boys happiness factor.


  1. I love that picture!! Maybe you should create a hiking club/class. ;-)

  2. Beautiful. I second Jessie's suggestion- you're a wonderful man-of-the-woods tour guide and I can't think of a more perfect place to have a trekking in the wilderness/hiking club. You could all have matching flannels.
