Last year I had a dream (not a Martin Luther King kind of dream, that's omnipresent; but the sleeping kind) in which I was driving to work and I passed a house being framed-up. Wow, I thought (in the dream, which was so realistic that I was stuck behind a school bus), I can't believe somebody's building a house in this economy. Then I passed another construction site, this new house even closer to completion. I guess the recession is over, I thought. Well, you know what happened next: I woke up.
But now, at the end of my road, there is actually new construction. Perhaps our little burg of Marshfield is like the proverbial butterfly in chaos theory. You know, a butterfly flaps its wings in the Amazon or someplace which leads to a storm somewhere thousands of miles away.
Not that I advocate the building of more houses--we seem to have enough of those. But enough with the doom and gloom already.