Something about my mother being in the hospital has put me out of the mood to post here on Birch Wisdom. But there is a story in connection with her trip to Bangor that I would be remiss to not share. This past Sunday we brought my mother to Downeast Community Hospital, where it was decided that she'd be transferred to EMMC. First, as they're carting her out to the ambulance she says, "I thought I'd get a helicopter." That was kind of funny, but her true wit really shined as the gurney was wheeled into the ambulance. She looked at me and said, "How come you don't have your camera? This is a perfect picture for your blog."
Well, Mom, I missed the photo op, but I'm thinking of you all the time. And I actually have had a great time with Lucy. She's really been enjoying the nice weather, so today we took her on one of her "long walks" where she did a complete olfactory study of Machias.
The doctors have still been unable to identify the root cause of my mother's symptoms. So at this point we're going to welcome all spells, finger-crossing and prayers.
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