This blurry shot of Jessie getting her read on was taken by staff photographer Chilly P. How she can manage seven straight blurry photos with a point-and-shoot camera is anybody's guess. But let's give the beautiful lady her artistic license. Jessie is reading a book she got for Christmas from Grandma E (as in Edith, not Easy). It's about improving your memory, a subject dear to Easy's heart. Confusing, I know.
Now I guess this is more coincidence than confusing, but when all this book exchanging was going on my mother asked Cara and me what we were reading. Cara said she was reading a book called Unhooked; I said, that's strange, I'm reading a book called Unhooked. But it's not the same book. The subtitle of hers is "How Young Women Pursue Sex, Delay Love and Lose at Both"; the subtitle of mine is "How to Quit Anything."
I can't speak for my wife's reading material, but I can give you a concise book report on mine: if you want to quit something, get ready to suffer.
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