Today we went for a walk and finished in the soft pink glow of the setting sun. Yep, the days are getting longer.
Hallelujah and all of that. Actually, with the full moon it feels like it's barely getting dark. Although I'm still a bit curtailed, I'm back to working out with Jake. He's doing a Dan John bulk up program. I'm doing the same exercises, but, if anything, losing a bit of weight--perhaps because I'm forgoing the recommended 12 PB&J's a day washed down with a protein shake. I did make my own almond butter this weekend, which is about the easiest thing on earth. I wish I had known that sooner, seeing as how almond butter costs about $10 a jar and when you make it yourself it's a fraction of the cost. OK, once again I'm boring myself to tears, so I guess I'll talk to you later.
Some of your followers would like the almond butter recipe, please.