Monday, April 9, 2012

I know what you're thinking, if we don't feed this girl she's going to shrink away to nothing. I mean, I know people lose weight on the plant-based diet, but I had no idea I'd have to go out and buy all new furniture. But seriously, Cara's weight does not fluctuate. She can eat three gallons of ice cream or an arugula salad and it makes no difference, she's always at her fighting weight of 105 lbs. Even when she was pregnant she snapped right back to her regular weight minutes after giving birth. I'm surprised it didn't make other women hate her--but then, who could hate my loveable little lady? You know what they say: Everybody Loves Cara.


  1. Who cannot love Cara. I know I can't because I love her more and more with each passing day!

  2. I love Cara too even though she is skinny AND a saint.
