Friday afternoons have become a fun-filled time in our little town; but then, for us, it's all about life's little pleasures. Today was Farmer Ted's last day of the season down on the dike. Seeing as how we're some of his "best" customers, he gave us a bushel-load of free veggies. I fired up the juicer as soon as we got home, because we'll have to work to make it through the bounty. But that's not all! After leaving Ted we went to pick up some tomatoes at Mack's Greenhouse (Mack is 93 and going strong) and corn, beets,
eggplant and olives from Joe the Sausage Man. For some reason he too insisted on giving us a whole bunch of free stuff (do we look like we're in need, or are these old gents just
groovin' off our love?). From there we hit the wine & cheese shop and then, finally, the library, to stock up on some good reading, because what goes better with a tasty
smorgasbord than a witty novel?
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