I was dating a girl back in '84 who I was head over heals in love with but who decided she wasn't quite sure that I was the answer. We broke up (heartbroken, yes I was) but actually stayed friends. I used to tell her, "no matter what I'm doing or who I'm with, if you ever want to get back together just say the word and I'll be there." Well, life moves on, I suppose, and she started dating a guy from Germany and I moved to Seattle. People told me it was over; or, more precisely, that I needed to get over it--though there was one friend, and I can remember this moment like it was yesterday, who told me just as he was about to get off a subway we were riding together, "you'll get her." I don't know why, but it filled me with hope. Yet, after two years, we were both still leading our separate lives. We were three thousand miles apart. But then one day I got my mail and there was a postcard from this girl that said, "I miss you. I'm yelling that." Well, I was pretty much on the first plane back to New York. And on September 10, 1988 I married that girl. And she has been my rock and my love and my fantasy everyday. Hey Chilly P. -- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the smartest missive I ever sent. I will love you forever.