That's yours truly in the midst of a squat crazy (front, back, overhead) Crossfit workout. We had an interesting conversation this summer at Easy's place about the significance of the squat to human health--from an evolutionary perspective. The thing of it is, is that before toilets, couches, dining room sets and Laz-y-Boy recliners, people did pretty much everything in a squat, when not hunting and gathering, of course. So the muscles utilized in the squat--the biggest muscles in our body!--are actually crying out for this motion. You don't need to load up with a heavy barbell, either; just pretend you're sitting in a chair, lead with your butt while putting your weight in your heels. Keep your back straight and stand once your thighs are parallel with the floor (or sooner, depending on what you can manage). Do this on a regular basis and you'll feel like a million bucks. Guaranteed.
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