Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Darn me, I almost left out the most important thing. This morning I shaved with the free shaving cream that Alice gave me from her coupon haul. She also sent us home with toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash and various other sundries. And not only that, it's all the ritzy stuff, like Tom's of Maine, that I would normally be too cheap to buy. So when it comes to couponing, my sister is a wonder. Come to think of it, she's a wonder in every way.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

So after that I took us a couple of miles out of our way on our paved backpacking journey--as I am wont to do when I rely on my instincts for direction. Now our dogs are killing us as we wait for Chris and Alice to get home from work. Luckily Max is already here to keep us entertained--if you can call watching him eat, drink and stare into his laptop entertainment. Side note: I just saw a smile cross Jake's face and I'm pretty sure he was thinking, "Dad thinks I slurp my tea?!--listen to uncle Max, now he makes some noise!" On second thought, he's just laughing at his Hunter Thompson book. People with the same genetic code are sometimes oblivious to the emanations of their kind. It's left to me and the Sweet to take note of these trifles.
But back to Max. When we were kids my father used to say, "all Max does is eat, sleep and watch TV." So that was my little takeoff on that up above, and I've probably mentioned that quote before. I just don't think you should mention something just once when you have the opportunity to rub it in again and again and again.
Well, that's it for now, but I promise a full report on Alice's coupon mania in the near future.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
There is one certain somebody I wish was joining me for a cup right now. My sweet Jessie turns 20 today. Oh my beautiful child: Happy Happy Birthday.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Long time coming, but I can finally do a good old-fashioned push-up. Might seem like nothing to you, but makes me want to rejoice. I've had to do some serious work-out modifications since injuring my shoulder, and though I was able to stay in shape by focusing on squats, it just never felt right leaving out this body weight stand-by I've been doing since high school (I actually won a push-up contest in gym class once, but I don't have the trophy to prove it). Anyway, as I've always said, no matter how fancy a gym you join, you can never beat a workout comprised of push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups. If you don't believe me, ask a Navy Seal.
What else? Well, happy St. Valentine's Day--and, of course, an especially big smooch to my Chilly P.
Monday, February 13, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
If you ever spent time with me shopping for food you'd get to hear me rant about the common myth that eating healthy food is too expensive. But since only my immediate family is saddled with that burden, I'm going to share the love right here.
Now, as I've mentioned, we tend to buy a lot of our staples in bulk, which definitely lowers our cost-per-meal, but, the truth is, if you're willing to go the route of grains and beans, even shopping at the grocery store is pretty cheap. Also, we've started using more dried beans (rather than canned) which cuts their cost in half. One other thing: we're actually at a disadvantage in that we only have one grocery store. We compensate for this deficiency by buying food through a co-op and a farmer's collective. Kind of gives you a bit of that off-the-grid feeling, so, in the end, it's a net positive. Plus, as everybody knows, local is better.
Pulling myself back from that digression, what I would simply like to do here is point out the cost of a typical meal in our household. Keep in mind that it costs a family of four about $22 to eat at McDonald's and that our meals are quick and easy to prepare. OK, so last night's ingredients:
Quinoa .50
Beans .65
Spinach .99
Diced tomato 1.25
Garlic .15
Total: $3.54
And we had leftovers!
Saturday, February 11, 2012
But, the thing of it is, I have always had this strange predilection to blame myself whenever I get sick. I don't, like a normal person, think, oh, I got a bug. Instead, I badger myself for some self-perceived bad habit or behavior. Even now, truth be told, I can't help but think these sniffles could have been avoided.
You see, on Wednesday I came home from work and told Cara that I felt like my body needed a rest. But then I felt like I'd be letting Jake down if I didn't go out to the shed and do the Dan John workout. Well, as I probably mentioned, that particular workout left me feeling like an over-cooked strip of bacon. So naturally my immunities were down, and, bam, here I am, lost in a pile of tissues.
Not that anybody cares. We ALL get colds. But hasn't it been fun, prowling around inside my neurotic mind?
Friday, February 10, 2012
Today I finished the last of the blackberries we picked and froze last summer. There is something about eating fruit in winter that fills you with a special brand of sunshine.
The last couple of days could only be classified as a fake-out spring, so warm and sunny, to be followed tomorrow by double-digit snowfall and single digit temperatures. Hey, but that's Mother Nature's job: to keep the human folk guessing.
I guess I'll just have to spend the day feeding the fire and putting the water on the boil for black tea--harmless vice or first step on the slippery slope? Reminds me that once upon a time I wanted to open up an espresso bar called Caffeine Dreams. That was back in the day when people read books and sat in coffee joints actually talking to each other and not on their cell phones. So long, long ago...
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The elixirs will, however, keep you running to the bathroom. I go from green tea to water to apple cider vinegar to red wine to just plain having to go...
Yeah, I know, too much information.
Today was workout #11 of the Dan John program. Though the man is my son's guru, if I ever have the honor to meet him I will have to let him know that his prescriptions are just about killing me. But then you know how it is with the bitter pill... it's bitter.
I stand alone re: Madonna. Everybody I talk to tells me she was fabulous. Years ago Cara and I saw her in a Broadway show. Afterward we stood at the stage door and watched her come out and get into her limo. There was quite a scrum and it was lucky she had burly bodyguards. The price of fame, I suppose, but to us it just seemed kind of scary.
That's why I've limited my blog to 34 followers. Too much attention makes me nervous.
Monday, February 6, 2012
I'm an ice road walker. Thank goodness for Yaktrax.
Let me give you an example of how you can take the boy out of the city but you can't take the city out of the boy. I eat rolled oats for breakfast most mornings. I especially enjoy them with blueberries, banana and dates. But every time I dump a few dates out of the bag I look at them and think, "man, do those look like cockroaches." Not the most appetizing thought, I'll grant you that. But it's beyond my control.
Do you know why you give your bride-to-be a diamond ring when you ask for her hand in marriage? Because she's going to be your "rock" for life. That's what I've come to realize, at any rate.
Madonna. They should have had a billboard behind her with her plastic surgeon's phone number. I mean, for real. You see, I have this fantasy that when I turn 50 (in just a shade over a year) people will say, "but doesn't he look good for his age." But who the heck can look like that?
No matter, a few miles on the odometer gives you that je ne sais quoi. Which is why I tell my wife not to bother dying her hair. Gray is sexy.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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