This is the Green Goddess, the delicious entree I had at the Life Alive Organic Cafe in Central Square, Cambridge, MA. I also had a Superhero juice which was made from apple, carrot, spirulina, cayenne, garlic, honey and even contained apple cider vinegar. These people know how to whip up some fast, healthy, delicious stuff. There are currently two of these establishments in operation and they're opening a third this spring. In my dreams Life Alive supplants McDonald's and people in America walk around with a glow--instead of looking pasty, misshapen and tired. Ouch. Was that mean? I'm sorry to anybody who might have taken offense; but then, I doubt anybody feels like they're doing their body a favor by eating at McDonald's. I don't know, it just astounds me that you can buy crap at every corner, but you have to go out of your way to get tasty nutritious fare.
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