But, the thing of it is, I have always had this strange predilection to blame myself whenever I get sick. I don't, like a normal person, think, oh, I got a bug. Instead, I badger myself for some self-perceived bad habit or behavior. Even now, truth be told, I can't help but think these sniffles could have been avoided.
You see, on Wednesday I came home from work and told Cara that I felt like my body needed a rest. But then I felt like I'd be letting Jake down if I didn't go out to the shed and do the Dan John workout. Well, as I probably mentioned, that particular workout left me feeling like an over-cooked strip of bacon. So naturally my immunities were down, and, bam, here I am, lost in a pile of tissues.
Not that anybody cares. We ALL get colds. But hasn't it been fun, prowling around inside my neurotic mind?
I care if you are sick...and I like prowling your neurotic mind. Pop