As I write this post I'm enjoying a cup of loose leaf
Oolong tea. I watched a surprisingly fascinating documentary about the search for the best tea in China.
Aficionados say that once you drink loose leaf tea you'll never go back to tea bags. Apparently the tea that goes into tea bags is not only inferior but likely grown with the use of pesticides. The guy featured in the movie could smell a handful of tea leaves and instantly know whether it was "organic." He didn't use that word, and as far as I could tell, neither do the Chinese, but he had to travel to distant regions to find old farmers who did not use chemical fertilizers. You wouldn't think it would be this way because they have these competitions in China where the winning tea is valued at thousands of dollars an ounce. But you know how it is: big business is big business.
There is one certain somebody I wish was joining me for a cup right now. My sweet Jessie turns 20 today. Oh my beautiful child: Happy Happy Birthday.
Thank you Daddy! I can't wait to see you and share that cup of tea, but a simple cup of Tetley will will perfectly for me. Sending all the love in the world your way.