Where you been?
No comments on the life of veganicity?
Tomorrow will be a snow day, so while the beans simmer on the stove, I'll read the book--The Long Walk--that Stan loaned me. Then, someday, we'll go see the movie together, and afterward we'll have Thai food, and I will eat tofu, and I will be happy.
Tonight Cara and I did a nice husband/wife tag-team torture-fest workout. Once again we set the interval timer to beep every 30 seconds, then switched between jump rope and burpees. We did 3 sets of 8 minutes (24 minutes total). We finished up with a variety of core exercises. All in all, a nice, compact and efficient session.
Am I ready to wield the Wovel? Well, I guess I better be...
After eating all those BEANS let's see how long Cara stays in a room with YOU!