Saturday, February 19, 2011

This morning I woke up at 4:00 A.M., which sounds early, I know, but Cara and I outdid ourselves last night, allowing a boring British movie to lull us to sleep at about... well, I don't think I'm going to say, but it was kind of the early bird special of z's. No problem for me, since the morning is my favorite part of the day--by a long shot. This habit probably got its start when we were living on Franklin Avenue, hard by the Gypsum Plant, back in the late '60's and I used to go downstairs and beat the crowd (meaning Max) to the ice cream. I remember once sliding up and down the wood floors in my socks and polishing off an entire box of fudge pops.
No confections today but the blessing of a simultaneous setting full moon and rising sun. I jumped rope for 30 minutes, then did 3 sets of the squat, curl, press sequence with 20 lb. dumbells, bicycle crunches and push-ups (25 reps per set).
I then spent the day clearing the basement to make room to paint, setting up my apparatus for tapping the trees and washing my car. You can do the mundane and still be happy! I love the mundane, truth to tell, just appreciating the small moments of daily life.
As I'm writing this Jake and Cara are finishing up their workout (pictured above). Feels very, very strange to opt out of exercise, but I'm sure my joints will thank me for it.

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