Whip it. Whip it good. The wind whipped me good today, knifing right through me as I prayed to the Big D. Well, that's what happens when you're a whippet of a man. Yes, I've lost a couple of pounds (not bragging!), so that I weigh 20 pounds less than I did a year ago, but 20 pounds more than when I moved to Maine. Muscle mass, right? Rationalization, it's not pretty.
Today's workout, with Jake and Cara: 5 sets of the 8 minute intervals, alternating jump rope with the following ab burners: bicycle crunches, medicine ball sit-ups, Russian twists, jack-knife to the side, knee-up crunches.
Then a soak in a hot bath!
I've never heard of someone who includes so much variety in their workouts...you do a different exercise everyday or some form of variation. It's crazy, and yes, it makes me feel very complacent. Haha, I need to pick it up.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, was thinking today...I wonder what Fred Hickey is saying right about now...your subscription probably ran up long ago when you gave that whole thing up though.
By the way, it's sunny and high 60's here today. I know your not jealous...or maybe just a bit? I agree with the vehicles and convenient stores though, but I guess that's part of the free market and the freedom for everyone to make their own decisions. Just gotta make the best of your situation and try to progress in your own way because you never know when that comfort could disappear. Look, I'm starting to sound like you now.
Anyway, enjoy your writing and your pictures. Keep it going.