Too bad we didn't bring the camera when we went on the walk from which we just returned. You could have seen a picture of me in my real crackpot attire: my 40 lb. weighted vest that makes me look like I'm on some sort of military operation. Fitting, I guess, since I'm reading Lone Survivor at the moment, a book about Navy Seals stationed in Afghanistan. The 4-mile slog through the snow with the weighted vest that just about got the best of me would be nothing to those guys. They run for miles with twice as much weight on their backs, then do enough push ups, etc. to make a grown man cry.
The author points out that during training it's the guys who are the most chiseled from the gym who drop out first. Sometimes, strange as it sounds, big muscles are just a drag on speed and endurance. Lance Armstrong once said in an interview that he didn't build a rock wall on his property when he was still riding because he was afraid he'd put on muscle he "couldn't afford to carry."
Lean and mean is the order of the day, I guess; but I'm going to finish out the weekend by laying on the couch watching football.
I've heard good things about Lone Survivor and Marcus Luttrell and heard there even making a movie. Glenn Beck has had Luttrel on his show a few times and speaks highly of him quite regularly. No doubt those guys can do it all...I will have to pick the book up sometime soon.