This morning I pumped out a complete hour on the elliptical with the weighted vest. I did my mountain-climbing simulation where every couple of minutes (after every song I was listening to on Pandora, programmed to Outkast, because like they used to say on American Bandstand, "It has a good beat") I raised the resistance until I topped out at 10. Then I reversed the process and climbed down the mountain.
Really what I am trying to do is get myself in shape for hiking, but there's no real way to do that since I'm not going to exercise for 10-11 hours in a row. What I'm hoping though, is that at some level the weighted vest will make carrying a pack seem easy. First off, the vest is 40 lbs., whereas a loaded pack is about 25 lbs.; also, 70% of the weight of the pack rests on your hips, while the vest is supported by your shoulders. Since it's my shoulders that usually get achy during hikes, I'm hoping that a bit of extra strength will make things better in that department.
Anyway, since today was a snow day, I had the time to go a little longer on the elliptical. Then, in the afternoon, I cleared the driveway of snow and immediately afterward went for a snow-shoe. To be honest, my legs felt like lead. I didn't feel like I was in good shape at all, but depleted and hungry. I stood there, breathing heavy, appreciating the winter beauty, and thinking: hey, this is just like hiking.