Snow day in Machias. Notice the Starbucks at the end of the street? Oh, no, that's Machias in an alternate universe. But if you make a right at the corner you can get coffee, pizza, gas and pickled eggs at the Quick Stop.
Quick. Stop.
Here's your hat, what's your hurry?
So yesterday I did the woodshed workout in the morning, sort of the same old thing. But I will point out that I think compound exercises work best. For example, squats, curls and presses can be done as distinct sets. Or you can hold a couple of dumbells at your side, squat, stand, curl and press. Not only do you work most of the major muscles, but you give your heart something to think about. Everything else I did was in the bodyweight category, but with a twist (literally). I did plank push-ups where you come up on one arm and raise your other arm to the sky. I forget what you call the sit-up variation, but basically you jack-knife and then turn in the upright position, placing your hand next to your body. I think Alice is right: I need video.
Speaking of Alice. Hey Alice, I have an idea for a fitness challenge. Burn 1000 calories a day for 5 days. As I mentioned to Alice in an e-mail, you can burn 1000 calories in an hour of jumping rope (walking burns 250 calories an hour). Usually I don't trust machines, and I definitely have a hard time believing the calorie counter on my elliptical. But for some reason I think it's fairly accurate when I'm wearing my weighted vest. Normally I believe its count is too high, but obviously it doesn't know I'm wearing the vest, so now I'm tricking it into not overstating my output. Crazy, I know; but in my world I burned 1000 calories this morning.
Tomorrow I'll probably do the same watching the Green Bay-Chicago game (I'll need my full concentration to talk the Jets to victory, so no exercise during that game), and, who knows, maybe I'll even get in some x-country skiing on this nice new fluffy snow.
OK, 1000 calories is impressive and all. But the truth is, you can't actually jump rope for a whole hour! I just left the PunkRope class. Crazy! You alternate activities by song. So you jump rope to say Whip It and do some interesting footwork. Then next song you partner up and do a relay race with medicine balls. And then back to jump roping. I humbly learned that I need to learn how to actually jump rope. And that my 3 mile jogs do not necessarily mean I have a lot of cardio fitness. But I will go back next week and try it again!