While I realize there is probably nothing more yawn-inducing than my exercise diary, now that I've started keeping track I'm interested in keeping it up-to-date for my own purposes. So, as an addendum to this morning's post, let me record that I did 30 minutes on the elliptical with the weighted vest. I planned to do more, but bonked out, probably having left more of myself out on the trail than I realized. Part of the reason I did anything extra at all was so that I could feed my alter ego down in my pitch black basement. I notice when I'm down there working out I listen to music I would never even think of listening to just sitting around in the living room. Tonight that song with the refrain "ain't no thing but a chicken wing" came up on the playlist--put a smile on face.
Anyways... if you want to check out a blog that's actually interesting and that lifts the spirits, check out Camille, getting down to the level in Nepal. http://moltenwood.blogspot.com/
Aww, thank you! I am famous now!