The sun had not yet risen when I was out at the woodshed this morning, and the moon reappeared before I came into the house this afternoon. I scratch and claw for every moment of daylight I can muster, and it sure makes a difference. It's like drinking happy juice, or maybe it's just contentment water--though it could just be a bit of I-didn't-stick-my-head-in-the-oven brew. Though, really, I can't complain, because I love bearing witness to night turning to day and day turning to night. Makes sense because I'm a season person--no constant blasted warm days for me. I'm not moving to Costa Rica!!!!
Furthermore, I've started felling trees again, thinning around the sap producers. Yes, from the cold and dreary days of winter springs the sweet goodness of maple syrup. Run, sap, run...
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