Saturday, April 30, 2011

The neighborhood show-off uses the weighted hula hoop given to me by the Carpenter/Cummiskey clan on my birthday. I don't have Cara's skill with it, and I'm not ready to devote the energy to it yet, seeing as how I'm completely obsessed with learning the muscle-up. I've checked out so many tutorials on the move I should have a PhD in its mechanics; unfortunately, you can't think yourself over the rings. But it's not about brute strength, either. There's a 10 year-old girl on YouTube who does five in a row! Might not sound like much, but believe me, that is impressive.
I'm currently reading Love Thy Neighbor: A Story of War by Peter Maass. It chronicles the atrocities committed during the war in Bosnia. I got interested in reading it after meeting Amila, Jessie's wonderful roommate, who was born there during that time period. I put off reading the book because I knew it would be upsetting, but it is so gruesome and disturbing that I don't think you could even conjure up that level of cruelty.
So maybe that's why I focus so much mental energy on silly things like burpees and muscle-ups. It is a fun (if challenging) diversion from life's incomprehensibility.
One other unrelated note: we used the Fiskars Reel Mower today to cut the grass. It works awesomely well and leaves the grass looking well-groomed yet natural--kind of like me.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I got the camera out to take a picture of Cara's best vegan cake yet. I don't recall ever hearing my mother sing, but I guess she must have when I was a child. At any rate, Cara somehow inveigled my mother to sing Happy Birthday to Jake. Pictured above is Cara's reaction as she, for the first time, learned from where I got my notoriously bad singing voice. As my mother pointed out, her mother and brother and sister all had fine singing voices--so why did we get the mutant tone deaf gene? Well, at least my mother tried, and it really did seem to make Jake's day happy.
Today Jake not only becomes a man (21 years old!), but also a bit of a Spiderman.

He requested rings and a climbing rope as his birthday gift--which is a great gift for Dad, too. What luck! Yeah, so anyway, now we're trying to learn how to do muscle-ups, where you go straight from a pull-up to a dip on the rings. I thought that since I could do pull-ups and I could do dips I could do a muscle-up. Logic failure! Jake is a bit closer than I am, and we're both committed to getting there, but it is going to be work.
In the meantime, happy birthday my first-born. You are a kind, sensitive soul. The world could use a few more like you. I love you so much!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Yesterday, shortly after my bout of self-recrimination, I took my single-speed down to the Sunrise Trail and had a ride that was nothing but pure joy. I took this self-portrait as I was riding, wishing I could bottle the happiness. Perhaps a picture is not the next-best thing, but at least you can be reminded that I have a truly impressive pair of nostrils.
Today Jake and I worked on prepping our raised garden beds, hauled some wood, then came inside and got a good read on as the sky opened in its sparkling glory. Unfortunately, Jessie Sweet is not feeling so glorious, just straight-out under the weather. It's hard to not be there to comfort your children when they're sick--I can still remember my mother stroking my forehead when I lay in bed torn asunder with fever. Well, here's a hug for you Jessie. Now get a good night's sleep.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Digging dirt, chopping wood: I started the day with a bang. But what happened? I started to flag at about 3:00 P.M., becoming more and more useless until, here I sit, wasting precious daylight. We took a trip up to the lake to make sure the camp is still standing and I took this picture of the burning of the blueberry barrens. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I snapped this picture of Ernie just as the sun made a short but sweet return engagement. Word is that tomorrow will be bright and sunny. I plan to spend every minute outdoors. We went for a little walk tonight and saw a beaver working his territory--so I guess I have my guide.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today I had the perfect excuse for curling up on the couch with a good book, seeing as how it's rainy and grey. Yet I still managed to bookend my sloth with two killer workouts. This morning I did 100 burpee pull-ups and 3 sets of jack-knife sit-ups, then this afternoon I did 100 burpee pull-ups and 4 sets of 50 double-unders. I said I wasn't going to write so much about the workouts, but seeing as how I outdid myself, I figured I'd let you know.
The book that has occupied my brain today is called This Life is in Your Hands by Melissa Coleman, which recounts her childhood growing up in a back-to-the-land family (next door to the famous Nearings). I actually recently read a book written by the woman who lived on the other side of the Nearings, so I guess everybody in the neighborhood decided to pick up the quill. Interestingly, they both seem to have the same perspective, which is that the idyllic life of no electricity or running water is a tad rough on a child.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

It felt so good to be out on the trail today--even if just for a day hike. Ernie and I went to Acadia National Park to do a nice 7 mile loop that started on the Ladder Trail--a marvel of engineering in granite steps--and included ascending Dorr Mountain. We then proceeded along the Gorge Trail which lies between Dorr and Cadillac Mountain. But the best part was the stretch along Canon Brook with its snowmelt powered waterfalls. Wonderful, wonderful day.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Today we visited with Mike and Candy in Cutler. They're expert gardeners and gave us a tour of their greenhouse and treated us to a delicious lunch of lentil soup and fresh baked bread straight out of their antique wood cookstove. Cara often brings home Candy's amazing canned peppers and tomatoes and pickles, and believe me, once you start eating this stuff you can't stop. If that's not enough, we were let in on the secret of how to make ambrosia, or "tincture", or aperitif, or call it what you will. This is what you do: soak berries (as pictured above) in vodka for a week (or longer), then strain through a coffee filter and mix with sugar water. Drink and enjoy. As I've mentioned in the past, we have goodly amounts of wild blueberries, blackberries and raspberries on the property, so let's have a toast this summer!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Well, Alice, I'll tell you how I pulled if off. I went online and had them mail that bad boy right to my front door. There's actually another birthday gift that came to my door--a weighted hula hoop from you! Thank you so much. I don't know why I got so many gifts this year, but I have been feeling lucky. Believe it or not, you have to put the hula hoop together (the bike of course also required a bit of assembly) and we have not yet done that (I don't know why); but when the circle is completed I'll be sure to post a picture of us in mid-swivel.
One more thing, my dear sister, you are the one who got me into the whole exercise/food challenge thing, so perhaps you'd be interested in joining the 5,000 burpee party. Come to think of it, the hula hoop and the burpee probably go together like peanut butter and jelly--definitely a workout in my near future.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

This is the cool daddy bike that Easy bought me for my birthday. Actually she didn't purchase the bike itself, but sent me a hundred beans and told me to knock myself out. Well done Easy! I love the bike because it's a single speed, no gears or cables or other excess junk I don't need since the only place I ride is as flat as a pancake. Had a most wonderful ride this morning, on this, the first day of our April break.
Today is also the first day of the Burpee Challenge that Jake and I have undertaken. The deal is that you have to do 5,000 burpees in 100 days. Most people do 1 on day 1, 2 on day 2, etc. But we've decided to just get to the goal by any means necessary. We're shooting for a minimum of 50 a day. Today we did 100, so obviously we're a slight bit ahead of the game. I need to build up at least a week of leeway, because there isn't a snowball's chance I'll be doing any burpees out on the Appalachian Trail. Lugging around a 25 lb. pack is challenging enough.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

We took our veggie sandwiches down to Roque Bluffs for a romantic dinner by the sea.
A family of five deer meandered through the yard this morning. I made too much noise when I opened the back door for a photo, but at least caught this one as she took to the woods.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mike R's Used Cars is Back! Or, should I say, ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. Bottom-line: I got to feed the crazy bone lest it morph into something scary, try to take over the whole operation. What's all that got to do with the Sweet? She's a stockholder in the business, an early investor in the legendary 1972 LeMans. Yup, she and Jake (my other stockholder) got to watch the old man turn $2000 into $1000 practically overnight. As a businessman I make a good social worker.
Did a couple of new exercises today. This morning Ernie and I worked a wooden box (that was formerly used to haul firewood on the back of the 4-wheeler) into our routine. We did step-ups with a kettle-bell in each hand. We also used the ramp to do incline and decline push-ups. Then, this afternoon, I did a combo box jump burpee pull-up (x5) in between bouts of double-unders. Gassed me good.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I got this idea from Crossfit: the log squat. Good for building muscles where you need them, your back and your butt. A trainer at UMM told Jake and me that if you do squats you'll never be in a wheelchair. Sounds good. We saved this exercise for last since you do tend to get a bit of duff down your back. Prior to the squats we worked the rope in intervals with spiderman push-ups and bicycles. Then Jake was off to help his grandmother with her swing dance group and Cara and I walked the Sunrise Trail. Not bad for an afternoon after work...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who cares about the ocean; what about the hair?

The sun has risen! We took an impromptu trip to Bar Harbor and spent a most wonderful night in an oceanfront room at the Bar Harbor Inn for the off-season bargain price of 80 bucks. But it didn't feel like the wrong time of year because it was 60 degrees; perfect weather for strolling around and checking out how the other half lives. You can just picture the tycoons of yesteryear throwing their soirees in their mansions.
Today we soaked up every ounce of sun we could get, cutting wood, doing yard work, washing the cars and capping off the day with a long walk. Tomorrow I'm starting my new regimen of riding to work with Cara, then jogging home in the afternoon. My plan is to take the nature trail (behind the school) to the Sunrise Trail, then up the ATV trail behind Dunkin' Donuts to Ridge Rd., and from there to home-sweet-home. Probably about a three mile jaunt.
I have now lost 26 pounds, which probably means I'll have to write a diet book and become a blasted millionaire. What's a guy to do?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

When I was younger I didn't understand the social nicety of not talking about politics or religion; but now, I'm fully in line with the sentiment. There is plenty else that should be kept to yourself, but what if you're an open book, if you're not much for secrets. What if you have a personal blog or spend hours a day on Facebook. Is nothing sacred?
I'm just trying to think of something to say here, but then I keep scrolling back and erasing my words. Too bad that's not a feature of real life, where you could edit out all the stupid things you say after you've already stuck your foot in your mouth.
But then, there too, as you get older, you care less about what people think. So, so-and-so misunderstood something you said. So what.
So, what I'm trying to say right here, right now, is that listening to myself talk has lost its luster; and yet, I go on.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Flowers from the greenhouse. Last time I got all worked up about spring we got a snowstorm. Still, I'm burning with spring fever, thinking about the 100 Mile Wilderness and the Machias River and all the fun on offer in Maine.
This morning I was still sore from the burpee pull-ups so I focused on squats and sit-ups (in the weighted vest) with a few push-ups to keep me honest. When I got home from work I did a Mike original called Fifty-Fifty, which is 50 reps with the 5# heavy rope and 50 double unders. I ran the stop-watch with the goal of doing 5 rounds in 20 minutes (4 minutes per round). I completed the workout in 19:14, but I think I would have been quicker if I rested a bit more between rounds. As it was I went straight from the heavy rope to the double unders without pause, but then kept messing up because my arms felt floaty and I was out of sync. I actually did much better in the later rounds, which isn't quite logical since I was fatigued.
I know I was going to go easy on the workout descriptions; what can I say? Oh, and one more thing, when I finished the above, Jake got home and we went for a 4 mile walk in the slush and the mud. Feeling it now.
I pulled the taps from the trees today, which made me feel a bit sad even though I was kind of tired of the constant hauling of the sap and feeding of the woodstove. It's somewhat time-consuming when you don't have an evaporator, but a welcome diversion this time of year. Plus, who can complain when the whole house smells so sweet.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

This was my extra-special birthday treat--spending a little time with my Sweet. This is the greenhouse that fronts the room in which Jessie studies. She scoped out the spot by following her nose, I guess, and now finds her schoolwork to be that much more splendorous. It's got to be the best-kept secret at Colby.

And here I am with my birthday surprise--the Fiskars Reel Mower. Now that's green living!

I haven't been listing my workouts to spare the few dear readers I have left the utter tedium. However, when I do something new, I'll probably mention it. Today I did burpee pull-ups in the weighted vest. This is an interesting exercise because there are no comfortable moments, no zone or second wind. Every second is hard; on the other hand, you get that complete-workout feeling lickety-split.

Monday, April 4, 2011

This is my niece Celia practicing her double-unders. I'm not bitter, but she reeled off 8 of them about 3 minutes after learning to do one. It took me weeks to get to that point, but then again I don't have the pliable mind and body of a 15 year old. Nevertheless, I was duly impressed. It was supposed to be my rest day, but I ended up doing two workouts with Celia and her friend Nicole (they promised their coach not to be slugs). Well, it was good preparation for the most outrageously delicious vegan chocolate cake Cara made for my birthday.
Yes, I am now 48 years old, and proud of it. In my nearly half century on this beautiful earth I have acquired 1 beautiful wife, 2 awesome siblings (I suppose my parents are more responsible for that!), 3 amazing children and the rare ability to do 65 consecutive double-unders. That's right Celia, 65!!!!!, so it's time for you to get crack-a-lackin'.