Flowers from the greenhouse. Last time I got all worked up about spring we got a snowstorm. Still, I'm burning with spring fever, thinking about the 100 Mile Wilderness and the Machias River and all the fun on offer in Maine.
This morning I was still sore from the burpee pull-ups so I focused on squats and sit-ups (in the weighted vest) with a few push-ups to keep me honest. When I got home from work I did a Mike original called Fifty-Fifty, which is 50 reps with the 5# heavy rope and 50 double unders. I ran the stop-watch with the goal of doing 5 rounds in 20 minutes (4 minutes per round). I completed the workout in 19:14, but I think I would have been quicker if I rested a bit more between rounds. As it was I went straight from the heavy rope to the double unders without pause, but then kept messing up because my arms felt floaty and I was out of sync. I actually did much better in the later rounds, which isn't quite logical since I was fatigued.
I know I was going to go easy on the workout descriptions; what can I say? Oh, and one more thing, when I finished the above, Jake got home and we went for a 4 mile walk in the slush and the mud. Feeling it now.
I pulled the taps from the trees today, which made me feel a bit sad even though I was kind of tired of the constant hauling of the sap and feeding of the woodstove. It's somewhat time-consuming when you don't have an evaporator, but a welcome diversion this time of year. Plus, who can complain when the whole house smells so sweet.
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