Saturday, April 30, 2011

The neighborhood show-off uses the weighted hula hoop given to me by the Carpenter/Cummiskey clan on my birthday. I don't have Cara's skill with it, and I'm not ready to devote the energy to it yet, seeing as how I'm completely obsessed with learning the muscle-up. I've checked out so many tutorials on the move I should have a PhD in its mechanics; unfortunately, you can't think yourself over the rings. But it's not about brute strength, either. There's a 10 year-old girl on YouTube who does five in a row! Might not sound like much, but believe me, that is impressive.
I'm currently reading Love Thy Neighbor: A Story of War by Peter Maass. It chronicles the atrocities committed during the war in Bosnia. I got interested in reading it after meeting Amila, Jessie's wonderful roommate, who was born there during that time period. I put off reading the book because I knew it would be upsetting, but it is so gruesome and disturbing that I don't think you could even conjure up that level of cruelty.
So maybe that's why I focus so much mental energy on silly things like burpees and muscle-ups. It is a fun (if challenging) diversion from life's incomprehensibility.
One other unrelated note: we used the Fiskars Reel Mower today to cut the grass. It works awesomely well and leaves the grass looking well-groomed yet natural--kind of like me.

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