The sun has risen! We took an impromptu trip to Bar Harbor and spent a most wonderful night in an oceanfront room at the Bar Harbor Inn for the off-season bargain price of 80 bucks. But it didn't feel like the wrong time of year because it was 60 degrees; perfect weather for strolling around and checking out how the other half lives. You can just picture the tycoons of yesteryear throwing their soirees in their mansions.
Today we soaked up every ounce of sun we could get, cutting wood, doing yard work, washing the cars and capping off the day with a long walk. Tomorrow I'm starting my new regimen of riding to work with Cara, then jogging home in the afternoon. My plan is to take the nature trail (behind the school) to the Sunrise Trail, then up the ATV trail behind Dunkin' Donuts to Ridge Rd., and from there to home-sweet-home. Probably about a three mile jaunt.
I have now lost 26 pounds, which probably means I'll have to write a diet book and become a blasted millionaire. What's a guy to do?
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