This was my extra-special birthday treat--spending a little time with my Sweet. This is the greenhouse that fronts the room in which Jessie studies. She scoped out the spot by following her nose, I guess, and now finds her schoolwork to be that much more splendorous. It's got to be the best-kept secret at Colby.

And here I am with my birthday surprise--the Fiskars Reel Mower. Now that's green living!
I haven't been listing my workouts to spare the few dear readers I have left the utter tedium. However, when I do something new, I'll probably mention it. Today I did burpee pull-ups in the weighted vest. This is an interesting exercise because there are no comfortable moments, no zone or second wind. Every second is hard; on the other hand, you get that complete-workout feeling lickety-split.
I love you!