Monday, May 3, 2010

Cherry blossom on one of the fruit trees we planted last summer. This one is doing well, but many of its brothers and sisters have been gnawed at by the deer. Hopefully the old adage "if it doesn't kill you it makes you stronger" is true for the fruit people. I sort of doubt it's true for the people people. That is not a typo!

When we planted the trees Jessie said she didn't really see the point since it would be so long before they bear edible fruit. Our argument was that it is still something to look forward to, even if it's in our retirement. And Cara pointed out that even if it took longer than that, it's nice to envision the next family to occupy this house enjoying apples and cherries from the trees we planted.

Be all that as it may, according to the nursery these trees will "produce" in five years. I'll have hit the half-century mark at that point, but since I already eat an apple a day, I have no doubt that I'll be happy, healthy and wise.

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