Sunday, January 15, 2012

This is what happens when I let things slide. Yesterday I was finally poised to take a photo for a new post when, oops, there it goes again, my battery died. But at least my own ticker--you know, my heart--is working fine. I just got back from walking Lucy and let me tell you, baby, it's cold outside. This, of course, led me to conclude that I needed to prove the old adage about there being no bad weather, just bad clothing. So I was all set to go on a mini-hike with a couple of layers and a face mask when I realized it might interfere with my New Year's resolution. So, I'll be getting real prayerful soon, then maybe take on the great outdoors in the afternoon. I've been jonesing to get out on the Appalacian Trail, so if I start to complain this summer about the rocks and the roots and my aching knees, give me a smack.

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