Friday, October 8, 2010

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog, Mike. It's very pithy. I don't know what it means, either, but it is. I agree with the 3 generations; if you're laying in bed with a bad back, Your mind will do double time in the anxiety department. So cool it! We humans are very fragile. Too bad our minds don't know this until we have pain.
    The pumpkins on the trucks are a great idea. You should send it in to some contest, especially now that it's fall. A photo contest, or a newspaper, or something. Big bucks in the offing! Sharon won $1000. for a picture some years ago.
    Enough about the disgusting subject of money. I am very money conscious even though I convince myself I'm not. I loved that saying from your minister about keeping things flowing. Money can help with that.Like making trips to India possible. On the other hand, if you don't have money, you probably find other ways to keep things flowing. Like walking and writing and art and all sorts of stuff. Still, money equals options.
    That's it, I think. Beautiful weather here in Cinci. I need to get out for a walk.
