Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Yippee yippee yay! Finally got the woodstove installed in the sunroom. Many thanks to Jamie W. for his most excellent siting services. Who would have thought to just put that sucker smack dab in the middle of the room? Genius, I tell you. This particular stove is called The Squirrel (there is a squirrel depicted on its sides, not visible above) and it is the longest-running commercially produced woodstove, made in Denmark. Perhaps I've said all that before, when we first bought the stove, but I can't remember. All I know is that it is going to be pure joy to sit in front of the flame reading a novel on our first snow day--not to rush into winter, or anything.


  1. We should make hot apple cider on the new squirrel over Thanksgiving. :)

  2. The squirrel and his surroundings are beautiful! My furnace thermostat is acting up. Tomorrow, a furnace guy comes to look at it. It goes up to 70 degrees when I'm not looking, as in the middle of the night.
    Oh and another thing, the basement floor behind the hide-a-bed is sinking. Joe Riddle is coming to check that out in the PM. Why am I telling you all of this? Guess I need to get it off my chest. Tuesday evening is the funeral for my friend Pete. Woe is me. Think I'll go for a walk.

  3. Sounds like you need to visit us and have some hot cider in front of the fire :-)
