Tuesday, March 23, 2010

American Tao -- no. 16

Free and clear
you owe nothing
yet your heart
does not abandon
its responsibility.

Hello. Welcome back
and make yourself
at home.

Traffic is a killer
and you want off
at the nearest exit.
Even one better:
concrete gives way
to the mossy
pillow of the forest.

Now, let's talk about
who you truly are
because when you are
with me you don't
have to prove a thing.


  1. Getting real heavy! (Do I get another dollar?)

  2. I guess I could give you a buck if you sign up another follower.

  3. Michael- I first looked at your blog a week or two ago after my father had mentioned it way back. I've read through it all and I have to say, it's wonderful! For those of us stuck in the city, the chronicling of all your mountain-man activities is really nice to get a taste of (and completely envy-inspiring!) and your poetry is quite moving. The last stanza of this poem and a poem you wrote about Jake a while back have neatly knit themselves, at least temporarily, into my psyche, changing the way I try to think about others, myself, our interrelatedness, blah blah etc. etc. Which I think is big, considering that I'm still an oblivious, punk teenager. In short, I love what you write!
    And I sometimes find myself checking the blog more often than you update (=often).

