Sunday, February 27, 2011

Skied in the sun and splendor on a Sunday afternoon... but, alas, tomorrow it is back to the old grinding stone (who am I kidding, my job is fun; as I am constantly told I "just play games all day.") This vacation had a nice mix. First there was our most awesome visit to Boston, where my sister Alice put out a delicious plant-eater spread one night, then took us to a fab vegan restaurant the other. Then there was the slow "cool-down" period of relaxing at the homestead here in pastoral Marshfield.
I haven't been listing my workouts because I was feeling self-conscious about how tiresome they must get, but then Matt M. stopped by today and told me he liked reading them. So, once again the younger set has set me straight, and I plan to continue tomorrow. Plus, it's probably good for inspiration (not yours, mine) and I have a couple of doozys planned. It's all in my mind at the moment, but you can look forward to the Plank-a-thon and the Double Max (well, at least Jake can look forward to them, since he'll be stuck as my partner while Cara assists my mother in the teaching of the slow-slow/quick-quick).
Since I stopped recording my workouts here I've been listing them in an old Moleskin. While doing so I came across this entry from last year: "Anyway, I'm kind of into trying a donut of fruit smoothies and veggies. Talk about a funny slip--I meant to write diet and I wrote donut."
You see, I've got some good material, but I guess I keep it to myself.

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