Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday at 5:00 A.M. I went out to remove the bonus snow from the driveway, then figured I might as well go do a woodshed workout since school was delayed and it was so beautiful out with the sun rising on the cottony landscape. Throughout the day I had a scratchy throat and had that feeling of a cold coming on, so when I got home I did a power station workout and called it good. Felt like an easy day from an exercise point-of-view, but a hard one in the health category. By evening I was just plain miserable. My head hurt, my sinuses ached, I was sneezing and wheezing. It ended up that I stayed home sick from work today, drifting in and out of consciousness and having strange dreams. Sounds dramatic, right? Of course, it's just a common cold, but I'm a man so I have to put it in a life-or-death perspective.
Pride is what does it. I haven't been sick in a long time, which I attributed to my smoothie lifestyle, and it's hard to accept that my immunity has broken down to the sting of a bug. Plus, worse than that, today is the first day of no exercise in over two months. So, it's official: the streak is over.
Supposedly rest is good, so good for me, and I hope all is good for you too.

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