Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Today I had the perfect excuse for curling up on the couch with a good book, seeing as how it's rainy and grey. Yet I still managed to bookend my sloth with two killer workouts. This morning I did 100 burpee pull-ups and 3 sets of jack-knife sit-ups, then this afternoon I did 100 burpee pull-ups and 4 sets of 50 double-unders. I said I wasn't going to write so much about the workouts, but seeing as how I outdid myself, I figured I'd let you know.
The book that has occupied my brain today is called This Life is in Your Hands by Melissa Coleman, which recounts her childhood growing up in a back-to-the-land family (next door to the famous Nearings). I actually recently read a book written by the woman who lived on the other side of the Nearings, so I guess everybody in the neighborhood decided to pick up the quill. Interestingly, they both seem to have the same perspective, which is that the idyllic life of no electricity or running water is a tad rough on a child.

1 comment:

  1. The author of This Life is In Your Hands was at the Brookline Booksmith yesterday. I didn't go, didn't even know what book was about, but liked the title when i was walking by the store.

    Was thinking of Machias today. Had friends over for dinner and used my $3 Machias tablecloth for the first time. Love it!

    And love you too!
